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"Thomas Mullen is a knowledgeable and passionate libertarian and A Return to Common Sense is a valuable addition to the libertarian literature. Those new to the freedom movement will benefit from Tom's introduction to both the practical and moral arguments for freedom. Long-time activists will benefit from Tom's explanation of why strict adherence to principle is vital to the future success of the liberty movement."

- Representative Ron Paul (TX-14)
Congressman and author of The Revolution: A Manifesto and End the Fed.

"A well written primer on economics, liberty, and government that even avid Austrians will enjoy. If you have been blinded by government and Wall Street propaganda, A Return to Common Sense will help open your eyes. I not only recommend that you add this book to your freedom library, but that you buy a few copies for your friends."

- Peter Schiff, President of Euro Pacific Capital, Inc and author of Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse.

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About me and my podcast

I've been writing about politics from a libertarian perspective since the mid-2000s. My work has been featured in Newsweek, The Huffington Post, The Washington Times, RealClear Markets, The Daily Caller,, 321 Gold! and The Foundation for Economic Education. I've also authored several books.

I started Tom Mullen Talks Freedom to reach a wider audience and get the chance to interview people of interest across the political spectrum. I look forward to hearing your feedback!